Comprehensive/Consultation Educational Record Review Service

We discuss with parents in a comprehensive consultation your student’s IEP; the proposed goals and objectives on the current IEP, accommodations and placement based on the current IEP. In analyzing the IEP, we will review in conjunction with other student records and evaluations received from parent the following:

  • To include last two IEP’s, evaluations from private or public assessments;
  • Work samples and progress reports;
  • We will discuss what an IEP should include, the referral process, eligibility and role of Parents in the IEP Process;
  • Discuss additional goals or objectives that may be appropriate;
  • Suggestions as to the kind or level of services or accommodations, or other supports that may be needed;
  • Additional evaluations that may be needed

We will follow-up with a review of our findings and written P.O.S.S.E.’s  recommendations.

2.00 hour Session: $800.00

Instructions on How to Obtain Services

Please go to the Contact Page and follow the instructions on that page.

Level I: General Education Advocacy Services

  • We prepare detailed correspondence to School Principal/District to obtain all records, tests, assessments, protocols and IEP’s from all schools of your child’s attendance.
  • P.O.S.S.E will prepare a Written Plan of Action based on your child’s file and records received to date; including the following:
  • Determine where child is currently performing from their Present Levels of Performance (PLOP) according to the IEP. This PLOP will include reviewing the Annual Goals, Benchmarks, Measuring and Reporting Progress that can be determined after records review and incorporated in the Plan of Action.
  •  Determine any unique needs that the child may have that are not identified by the school or on the IEP.
  • Determine what services the school has implemented to address each need; what will the child be able to accomplish as a result of the services that the school has placed on the IEP to determine if child is receiving a FAPE.

Purchase Service: $2,000.00

Note if records are voluminous an additional fee may be required)

Instructions on How to Obtain Services

Please go to the Contact Page and follow the instructions on that page.

Level II: Parent Training Advocacy Services

We provide Ten – 1.50 hours of Parent Zoom or In Office Training session advocacy pertaining to your child’s IEP.

  • Parents will receive a P.O.S.S.E. IEP Tote Kit with parent notebook including worksheets for the entire school year.
  • Parent Binder with Child’s Entire Records, Tests, Assessments, Correspondence, emails in Chronological Order
  • Pre-IEP Parent preparation for meetings and review of assessments from the District.
  • We will provide 6 months of service monitoring emails and providing resources to understand your rights and attending IEP meetings with parent.
  •  We will fully prepare parents for each IEP meeting throughout the term of our services.

Purchase Service: $3,500.00 up to six months of service

Instructions on How to Obtain Services

Please go to the Contact Page and follow the instructions on that page.

Level III: Full School Year Special Education Advocacy Services

We will provide special education advocacy services for the entire school year.

  • P.O.S.S.E. personally advocates for your child includes all Levels of Services addressed above.
  • This includes attending all IEP Meetings with parent;
  • Parent preparation for IEP meetings with Parent Checklist/Concerns;
  • Review emails and Respond;
  • Includes assistance with Extended School Year services;
  • Classroom observations, if applicable;
  • Visits for on campus sites regarding appropriate placement per the goals and objectives on the IEP when we have reached this stage;
  • P.O.S.S.E. takes Notes from IEP Meetings for Parents to add as an Addendum to meeting Notes;
  • Review Draft IEP with Parents and continue until Final IEP is in place for your child with Placement for that school year;
  • Assistance with Transitional services for child if appropriate;
  • Prepare for and attend Transition Assessment and attendance at Transition IEP meeting.
  • Parent will receive Child’s Individualized Timeline of entire school records for advocacy tool and will be trained on how to use and keep Timeline current for your child’s educational journey.
  • By the end of this package parents will be able to advocate for the upcoming school years on their own. This service does not exceed 10 months.  If additional coaching sessions are needed an additional $100.00 per hour is required.

Purchase Service: $4,850.00 ten month (school year)

Instructions on How to Obtain Services

Please go to the Contact Page and follow the instructions on that page.

The educational consultants and advocates affiliated with Parents of Students in Special Education are not licensed to practice law. Thus, the services offered should not be considered legal representation. Further, all information provided by Parents of Students in Special Education should, in no way, be construed as providing legal advice. Information provided by the educational consultants and advocates is intended to be recommendations based on their knowledge and experience as well as the facts associated with each individual situation. All rights reserved. ©2011.